Sunday, January 9, 2011
And the Award Goes to...
Friday, January 7, 2011
My How Time Flies!
Monday, January 3, 2011
I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas
We began our celebration with the in-laws in Brookhaven.
We traveled to Houston to celebrate with the Tillman clan.
And most exciting, Jennings 1st Christmas was a white one!!
We hope your Christmas was as merry as ours!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Extra Special Delivery
What special Christmas Gift!
December 3 began as any other day. Caleb and I both got up and prepared to face the work day. This was to be my last day at work because I was going to be induced on December 7. I had planned several fun activities to complete with my students, but after having a few labor symptoms that morning, I called the doctor and left a message. They called back almost immediately and said come in just to be sure I wasn't in labor. I called Caleb and he met me at the clinic. We both had no idea that she would really arrive on that day! We had planned on completing many items on our to do list and buying those last few items that weekend. After several tests, it was determined that I was in labor and our little blessing, that we had waited 38 long weeks to meet, would really arrive that day! We called all of our family and friends and began preparing to meet our little angel. Jennings was born at 9:02 p.m. by c-section and welcomed by many. All the waiting was so worth it, especially to hear that glorious first cry!
6 lbs 6 oz, 19.25 in
We came home from the hospital on December 5. We have been blessed with wonderful family and friends that provided food and helped along the way. We don't know what we would have done with out everyone. Thanks so much!
Often times, Caleb and I wonder what in the world we did before this little angel entered our lives! We just sit and stare in amazement at God's handiwork.
As you can tell, I haven't quite figured out how to line things up or arrange them exactly how I want. Hopefully I will figure it out soon.